To report sexual harassment at work, there are certain steps you should take in order to make sure your rights are protected and the harasser is held accountable. This article will go in-depth on how to properly report the incident, strengthen your case, and make sure your place of employment is safe for you and others.
Understanding how to report sexual harassment at work is imperative for creating a safer environment and holding those responsible accountable. Be sure to document the incident and follow your company’s procedures.
For additional support, consulting a Boston sex and gender discrimination lawyer can provide you with the guidance you need to move forward and explore your legal options.
Understanding Workplace Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment in the workplace is prohibited by federal law and involves any unwelcome or inappropriate sexual behavior that interferes with an employee’s ability to do their job. A Boston employment discrimination lawyer can help if you’ve faced this unlawful behavior.
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) defines sexual harassment as anything from comments to unwanted advances, which create an uncomfortable work environment.
Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment
This occurs when someone in a position of power offers workplace benefits in exchange for sexual favors. For example, a supervisor may promise a promotion or raise in return for sexual advances. This behavior is illegal and should never be tolerated.
Hostile Work Environment Sexual Harassment
This happens when ongoing comments or conduct based on sex or sexual orientation make an employee feel unsafe or unwelcome. The behavior must be pervasive enough to affect a reasonable person’s sense of security at work.
A Boston labor and employment lawyer can offer guidance on filing a sexual harassment claim, whether the harassment comes from a coworker, manager, or even a customer. Protecting yourself is important, and legal help is available.
For a free legal consultation, call (860) 999-9394
Is Sexual Harassment Considered Employment Discrimination?
Absolutely. Sexual harassment is a form of sex-based discrimination, prohibited under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, a key federal anti-discrimination law. Any worker facing quid pro quo or hostile work environment harassment has experienced discrimination based on their sex.
In addition to federal protections, many employees are also shielded by state or local laws. These laws can offer additional avenues for holding harassers accountable.
If you’re unsure about your rights under Title VII or state law, reaching out to a Boston sex and gender discrimination attorney can provide clarity and help you understand your next steps.
How to Report Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
Every employee has the right to a safe and respectful workplace. Sexual harassment should never be tolerated, and it’s important to take action to protect your well-being and legal rights. Reporting the issue as soon as possible can help stop it and hold the responsible party accountable.
It’s not always easy to report harassment, especially when victims may fear they won’t be taken seriously or worry about retaliation. However, it’s illegal for employers to punish anyone for reporting misconduct.
Here’s what you can do:
If You Feel Safe, Tell the Perpetrator to Stop
If you feel comfortable, you have the right to tell the person responsible for the harassment to stop. This can be an important first step, but your safety comes first. If you don’t feel safe confronting them, skip this step and report it directly to your employer.
Document and Record the Harassment
Try to keep detailed records of the incidents. Make notes about the nature of the harassment, the names of any witnesses, and how it has impacted you. This documentation can be important if you need to pursue legal action.
Report the Harassment to Your Supervisor or HR Department
If the behavior persists or is severe, report it to your supervisor or HR department. Many companies have procedures for investigating these matters. Follow the guidelines your workplace has in place, and be sure to keep records of your complaint and any conversations you have with management.
Consult With an Employment Law Attorney
If the harassment continues or you need further assistance, consulting with an employment law attorney can help. An attorney can review your case, explain your options, and guide you on filing a formal complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) or your state agency.
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Tips to Strengthen Your Sexual Harassment Case
How you report sexual harassment can affect the outcome. While the responsibility always lies with the harasser, following these tips can help improve your chances of success.
Stay Calm and Be Prepared
It’s natural to feel upset, but try to remain calm when reporting the incident. Think carefully about what you want to say beforehand. Focus on explaining what the harasser did, followed by how it made you feel. Make sure your report is in writing and keep copies for your records to create a paper trail.
Avoid Excusing the Harasser’s Behavior
Never make excuses for the person harassing you. Regardless of their intentions or how harmless their behavior may seem, it must stop. Your employer should address any violations of workplace standards without you downplaying the situation.
Identify Witnesses
Witnesses can help strengthen your case. If anyone saw or overheard inappropriate behavior, their testimony can support your claims. In Massachusetts, it’s legal to record witness statements, and doing so can be helpful if you’re unsure they’ll be truthful.
Don’t Give Up Too Soon
If your company doesn’t act quickly or appropriately, don’t lose hope. You don’t have to withdraw your complaint or quit your job. Instead, consider seeking help from a legal professional to ensure your employer follows the law.
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Protect Your Rights With a Boston Sex and Gender Discrimination Lawyer
If you’ve experienced harassment in the workplace, knowing how to report sexual harassment at work is the first step toward protecting your rights. Reporting misconduct can be challenging, but you don’t have to face it alone.
A Boston sex and gender discrimination lawyer can provide the support and guidance you need to take action. Duddy, Goodwin & Pollard is committed to holding corporations and employers accountable for failing to address harassment and discrimination.
Reach out to Duddy, Goodwin & Pollard to discuss your case. We will help you understand your options and take the necessary steps to fight for justice in your workplace.
Call or text (860) 999-9394 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form